FRP Bangladesh
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FRP Acid Transfer Line:- We Provide The Best Quality Acid Recirculation Pipes All Over The World From Bangladesh. And Frp, Rubber other Products Too.

If that acid is possible warm/hot OR for 98%+,

you don’t.

it can stand 50 or even 60% ( cold) but will suck quickly if you try for over 95% H2SO4 .

It is not done in the industry.

If you want plastic pipes & for warm, hot and higher concentrations of H2SO4, you’ll need to look into:


Google this ^name ( + Sugison plastics ).

There may be other producers of this stuff, but this link has a nice table of its chemical resistivity.

NFY of course, link just shows a PDF with data that is an answer to the question.

If that acid is possible warm/hot OR for 98%+,

you don’t.

it can stand 50 or even 60% ( cold) but will suck quickly if you try for over 95% H2SO4 .

It is not done in the industry.

If you want plastic pipes & for warm, hot and higher concentrations of H2SO4, you’ll need to look into:


Google this ^name ( + Sugison plastics ).

There may be other producers of this stuff, but this link has a nice table of its chemical resistivity.

NFY of course, link just shows a PDF with data that is an answer to the question.

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